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    2014-05-15 10:20 | 太奇MBA網(wǎng)

    管理類碩士官方備考群,考生互動(dòng),擇校評估,真題討論 點(diǎn)擊加入備考群>>


      1.In general, matters which lie entirely within state borders are the ____ concern of state governments.

      A) extinct B) excluding C) excessive D)exclusive

      答案:D exclusive 排他的;專有的。extinct (生物)絕種了的;熄滅的。excluding 排除的,不包括在內(nèi)的。excessive 過大的,過分的。

      2.These areas rely on agriculture almost____, having few mineral resources and a minimum of industrial development.

      A) respectively B) extraordinarily C) incredibly D) exclusively

      答案:D exclusively 專門,僅僅。respectively 分別地。extraordinarily 特別地,奇特地。incredibly 難以置信地。

      3.For three-quarters of its span on Earth, life evolved almost ____ as micro-or-ganisms.

      A) precisely B) instantly C) initially D) exclusively

      答案:D exclusively 專門,僅僅。precisely 準(zhǔn)確地;正是。instantly 立即,毫不遲延地,馬上。initially 開始時(shí)。

      4.Two criminals, convicted of murdering a businessman in March, were____ recently.

      A) persecuted B) extracted C) sentenced D) executed

      答案:D execute 將……處死。persecute (尤指因政治、宗教信仰不問)迫害,殘害。extract(用力)取出,(用勁) 拔出,sentence 宣判。

      5.My parents do not____ pressure on me. They let me make my own decision.

      A) emit B) extend C) exert D) expand

      答案:C exert 施加(壓力等) ,產(chǎn)生(影響)。
