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    2016-06-12 15:36 | 太奇MBA網(wǎng)

    管理類碩士官方備考群,考生互動,擇校評估,真題討論 點擊加入備考群>>

      61、 We have a brittle bottle in which a startle castle was settled.

      62、 A mule of molecule has been scheduled. 一頭分子做騾子被安排好了。

      63、 The Queen is a famed supremacy by the fame of themes of her husband’s scheme. 女王是由她丈夫設定的計劃主題框架

      64、 Handsome men are wholesome, though tiresome. 英俊的男人有益健康,雖也令人疲倦。

      65、 The mining of pining nine has led to the lack of genuine magazine.對松類藤的開采導致了真彈藥的缺乏。

      66、 The throne of limestone was hoed by the farmers on canoe.石灰王座被獨木船上的農(nóng)民鋤壞了。

      67、 Some ripe grapes have been scraped into stripes. 有些成熟的葡萄被擦成條狀。

      68、 Our warfare welfare was declared to be prepared in the flare of people’s glare.我們的戰(zhàn)爭福利在民眾的怒視的目光中被宣布已準備就緒。

      69、 Hegemony adheres not only on both hemispheres, but also upwards to our commonly shared atmosphere. 霸權主義不上存在于東西半球,還存在于大氣層。

      70、 The entire empire was highly inspired by the desire of grasping the wire bire. 整個帝國被攫取電線胎的欲望所鼓動起來。

      71、 Never ignore your sore caused by the ore. 絕不要小視由礦石引起的疼痛。

      72、 Your obscure procedure has secured the immeasurable treasure and ensures the leisure enclosure of any possible exposure. 你們模糊不清的程序將保證會得到無數(shù)的珍寶,并將輕松地保證不含有任何曝光的可能。

      73、 A mature creature features with better architecture and venture.成熟的人以比前更好的建筑設計及冒險特征。

      74、 This gesture is actually a torture for the captured man with such high moisture. 在如此潮氣之下,這種裝扮實際是對這個被捕者的折磨。

      75、 Paradise has concise promise and precise merchandise such as tortoise and compromise of despised praise. 天堂有簡明的許諾,精確的商品,如龜及對被蔑視贊美的妥協(xié)。

      76、 A disguise comprises an enterprise and good supervision. 偽裝由計劃和良好的監(jiān)督組成。

      77、 Condensing this dense material will take immerse expense and intense work. 壓縮這一密度大的物質將花費巨大的開支及緊張的工作。

      78、 King’s purpose of imposing a new tax has been soon exposed and even the decomposed dead will be supposed to oppose his luxurious proposal. 國王加征新稅的目的很快被告之于眾,甚至連土里爛掉的死人也應該起來反對他靡華的求婚。

      79、 A glimpse of the eclipse is enough to disperse your coarse verses poems from your cursed horseback. 看一眼日食就足以驅散你在你該詛咒的馬背上得來的粗糙的詩句。

      80、 Their pause of applause shall have no excuse. 他們的暫停鼓掌將不會有任何借口。


